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Electoral Roll

Being a member of the Church Electoral Roll enables you to vote in elections at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and have any suggestions and comments heard.

To qualify, you need to be

• Baptised

• Aged 16 or older

and either

• Resident in the Parish  OR

• Have habitually attended public worship in the Parish during the past 6 months

mail Electoral Roll Application Form

The form is also available on the welcome table by the South Door.

mailApplication for Postal Vote

Subject to qualification, you may apply at any time.

Please complete and leave the form with the Electoral Roll Officer -
Susan Ayres, Rowan, The Street, Bolney. RH17 5PE

A new Electoral Roll is prepared every 6 years.

This will next take place in March/April 2025 and in 2031.

ALL existing members need to re-apply and confirm their eligibility using the form above.

If you have any queries, please speak to the Electoral Roll Officer.

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