Each year, two meetings are held -
Annual Parish Meeting where parishioners elect 2 Churchwardens, each for a 1 year term.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) where members on the Electoral Roll elect PCC members and Deanery Synod representatives, each for a 3 year term.
These meetings were last held in April 2024.
The next scheduled meetings will take place in Church on 25th May 2025 at 11:00am.
Reports on life in the Parish Church and the business conducted by the PCC are also given at this meeting.
The Annual Report is a legal document reporting on the plans, achievements and financial activities which is also sent to the Diocese, the Charity Commission and is available to view online.
Most Recent Documents
Parish Meeting Minutes (April 2023)
Previous Year
Nomination Forms
These should be completed and handed to the PCC Hon. Secretary before the commencement of the meeting.