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Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) consists of Clergy, Authorised Lay Ministers, Readers, Licenced Workers and elected members of the congregation.

Together, they are responsible for the overall wellbeing, practical and spiritual, of the people and of the building.

The PCC also ensures that appropriate arrangements are in place for worship, providing an opportunity for those of all ages to meet for prayer and worship, and promotes the churches mission within the wider community.

Members of the Parochial Church Council

Fr. Daniel Valentine (Incumbent & Chairman)

Fr. Martin Mills (Assistant Curate) †

Dr. Tony Bond (Reader) †

Mrs. Susan Ayres (Churchwarden) †

Mr. Martin Wood (Churchwarden & Vice Chairman - 2024)

Mr. Tim Hutchings (Hon. Treasurer - 2024)

Mrs. Jennifer Harrison (2023)

Mr. Martin Burgess (2022)

Mrs. Janice Warren (2023)

Mr. Ron Leggett (Deanery Synod Representative - 2023) †

Mrs. Linda Barker (2023)

Mr. Roger Crocker (2024)

Ex-Officio            ‡ Co-opted           (Year Elected)

Meetings were last held in April 2024
The next scheduled meetings will take place in Church on Sunday 25th May 2025 at 11:00am

  • Churchwardens are elected for 1 year
  • Members & Representatives are elected for 3 years
  • Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Electoral Roll and Safeguarding Officers are elected by the PCC
  • There are 9 elected members (including 2 current vacancies)
  • There are 2 Deanery Synod Representatives (including 1 current vacancy)

Other Officials

Mrs. Susan Ayres  (Safeguarding Officer, Electoral Roll Officer)


Pastoral Scheme - February 6th 2020

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