We have always been grateful, and generations of villagers have depended upon those who use their varied skills to serve God in the work and mission of the Church by becoming volunteers.
Are you also able to help us now?
Volunteer Roles (on a rota basis) include -
- Sidesperson and Welcomer
- Reading a Lesson
- Leading Intercessions
- Serving at the Altar
- Preparing the Church for services (Verger)
- Serving Refreshments after the main Sunday Service
- Baking & Making
- Flower Arranging
- Sewing & Embroidery
- Cleaning & Dusting
- Minor Building Maintenance
- Churchyard Maintenance
- Serving on the PCC
- Assisting at community and fund raising events
- General Administration
- Visiting and Befriending
- Distributing the Parish Magazine
- Bell Ringing
! We currently need more Sidespersons, Readers & Intercessors
For further information, an informal chat or to volunteer -
please speak to either Churchwarden, any of the clergy or Contact Us