Having made provision for your loved ones, you may wish to take the opportunity to make a lasting gift to God by leaving a legacy to His Church.
We are privileged if we can leave a mark of our passing, to be remembered by those people and causes we’ve cared for in life. Our generosity is a response to God’s abundant grace, demonstrated through our own lives, the lives we shared with others and will help keep your local church alive alongside helping to transform its future.
A gift in your Will to your Parish Church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support its mission and ministry within your community.
Gifts left to charity are not included in the total taxable value of your estate.
You can also reduce the Inheritance Tax rate from 40% to 36% on the balance of your estate by leaving at least 10% of your 'net estate' to charity (information correct as at November 2024).
If you have stocks and shares in an investment account, you can donate these at any time for the benefit of St. Mary Magdalene and avoid any capital gains tax that may arise as well as qualifying for full tax relief on the value of the gift. This is a very tax effective way of giving. Please note that investments held in an ISA or Pension Account are not eligible for gifting. If you would like to find out how to do this, please contact the Church Treasurer.
The Church of England has partnered with Farewill to offer a free online will writing service. Making a will and keeping it updated is an important part of Christian Stewardship and with Farewill you can do it from the comfort of their home, for free and in less than 30 minutes. Click here to get started
Please contact the Treasurer in confidence or speak to your Solicitor for further information.
Alternatively you can Contact Us to request a confidential meeting or telephone callback.