Gift Aid enables us to claim back from HMRC any tax paid on ALL of your donations -
Cash, Cheque, Contactless, Parish Giving Scheme, Standing Order and Online.
This gives us at no extra cost to yourself, an extra 25p for every £1 you donate and provides an invaluable source of additional income for our Parish Church.
If you are a UK taxpayer paying income tax and/or Capital Gains Tax,
please complete aGift Aid Declaration - also available from the Treasurer
If you use a Gift Aid envelope,
PLEASE include your name and address
We cannot reclaim Gift Aid without this information which will remain
confidential and not used for any other purpose without your permission
What kind of tax do I need to be paying?
You need to be paying UK Income Tax and/or UK Capital Gains Tax.
Council Tax and VAT is not included.
What if I pay a higher rate of income tax?
The Church can only reclaim tax at the basic rate of 20%.
You can claim additional tax relief at your highest applicable rate through your annual tax return.
If I am no longer a UK taxpayer?
Please let the Treasurer know if your circumstances change and you no longer pay any or enough tax and we will make sure that we only reclaim tax on gifts up until the date you contact us.
If you need more information, please speak to the Treasurer or Contact Us