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Holy Week to Easter Day

In addition to our regular services,
you are warmly invited to join us on
our journey during Holy Week from
Palm Sunday to Easter Day

 Palm Sunday  (13th April)

  Sung Eucharist 

. . . with Blessing of the Palms

 Maundy Thursday  (17th April)

Said Eucharist

. . . with Stripping of the Altars

 Good Friday  (18th April)

12 Noon - 2:00pm   The Stabat Mater
. . . in Words and Music

2:00pm - 3:00pm   Good Friday Liturgy
. . . Readings, Meditations, Intercessions and Communion

These Services will both be held at HOLY TRINITY, CUCKFIELD

 Easter Saturday  (19th April)

Easter Eve Vigil

. . . and Blessing of the Paschal Candles
This Service will be held at St. Mary Magdalene, BOLNEY (with Holy Trinity, Cuckfield)

 Easter Day  (20th April)


9:30am  Sung Eucharist

- followed by refreshments


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