In addition to our regular services,
you are warmly invited to join us on
our journey during Holy Week from
Palm Sunday to Easter Day
Palm Sunday (13th April)
9:30am Sung Eucharist
. . . with Blessing of the Palms
Maundy Thursday (17th April)
9:30am Said Eucharist
. . . with Stripping of the Altars
Good Friday (18th April)
12 Noon - 2:00pm The Stabat Mater
. . . in Words and Music
2:00pm - 3:00pm Good Friday Liturgy
. . . Readings, Meditations, Intercessions and Communion
These Services will both be held at HOLY TRINITY, CUCKFIELD
Easter Saturday (19th April)
6:00pm Easter Eve Vigil
. . . and Blessing of the Paschal Candles
This Service will be held at St. Mary Magdalene, BOLNEY (with Holy Trinity, Cuckfield)
Easter Day (20th April)
9:30am Sung Eucharist
- followed by refreshments