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How do I arrange a Wedding?

Please contact a member of the clergy. The 2008 Marriage Measure Act has greatly increased the scope of those who can marry at St. Mary Magdalene so it is best to enquire.

More on Weddings HERE

How do I arrange for Marriage Banns to be called?

If you are being married at St. Mary Magdalene, you will already have been in contact with the priest who is marrying you and it can be agreed with them when the banns will be called. If you are being married elsewhere but one of you lives in this parish, it will be necessary to have the banns called here unless you are being married by Special Licence. Details should be given to the Priest - a fee is payable. Banns are called at the principal Sunday morning service on three consecutive Sundays within 3 months of the ceremony.

How do I book a Funeral or arrange a Burial?

Funerals and burials are normally arranged in the first instance through the Funeral Director. Everyone who lives within the parish has a right to a funeral in the church, whether or not they have been a worshipper here. When the service is at a cemetery or crematorium, one of the Clergy or a Reader is always willing to conduct it, whether or not that person has not been a regular member of our congregation. Those who live in the parish may be buried in the churchyard or their cremated remains may be interred. More on Funerals HERE

How do I arrange a Baptism?

Please contact a member of the clergy. Baptism is sometimes called 'Christening' and this is just what it is: being made a Christian or a member of Christ's family and this usually takes place at the Parish Eucharist but other times are possible by arrangement. More on Baptism HERE

How can I have someone's name added to the prayer list?

We include in our prayers, the sick, those who have asked for our prayers, the departed, those who had recently had funerals here and those with anniversaries (Years Mind). Names can be given to the Clergy or Churchwardens.

How can I arrange to talk with someone from the Church?

We are pleased to help those who want to talk over their faith, doubt or discuss other matters. If you would like to talk to someone, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the clergy. You can of course speak to the clergy or the Churchwardens before or after a church service. Don't forget, we have no mystical way of knowing if someone is ill or in need of a visit - so please tell us!

Can I place flowers in Church on a special anniversary?

You can contribute to the cost of decorating the Church with flowers on a specific weekend.
More Information HERE

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